....And we're back!
Sorry for the hiatus, everyone. It has been a crazy week since getting back from New Orleans. It was a lot of fun (obviously), and I got to talk to a lot of people about the job market, and feel good about my prospects for to a real (read: academic) job next year, and possibly even a pretty decent one.
I have some great ideas about articles to come later in this, so here’s some primers to get you excited about checking back to your old buddy at The Barker: Thursday – a preview of the NBA playoffs first round matchups. Look to bring some interesting insight and humor to that post. I considered not bringing it, but I would hated to leave it at home and then need it…So yeah, I’ll probably bring it. Sunday – a music related post…if you do not currently come to me for your music, then this will be the beginning of your music education. It may take years, but I will get you there. Also, I don’t know exactly how you go about it, but try to become a follower of this blog. I am going to get back into a regular schedule, but I think being a follower will let you know when a new post goes up. But as for today, I bring you a true story that happened right outside my apartment complex not 2 weeks ago…
Several of us were hanging out at the house (myself, Abby, Kyle, Cailin, & Ben), albeit in different rooms, Abby and I were watching “Almost Famous” (great movie, probably to make appearances in future posts) in my room. While we were in my room, I heard a screech outside, but thought little of it (as I didn’t hear the expectant “crash” as Dane Cook would say, if I had heard it, I would have come out – “Mom! Where’s my shoes!!!”). After awhile, I came out to the main room, and noticed no one was there anymore. I thought perhaps an impromptu Taco Bell (aka Toxic Hell, which I am proud to say I have not eaten in about 3 years) run had ensued, but as a Tombstone was in the oven, I thought this to be unlikely. So we wandered outside, where we noticed several cop cars and began to wander towards the front gate of our apartment complex. As we got closer to what was clearly a pretty bad crash, I noticed that one car was on one side of the road, and the other car on the other side, approximately 50 ft away. The car closest to us was a red Ford Mustang, and as the other car came into focus, it too appeared to be a red Ford Mustang…what are the odds??? Turns out the car closest was only the front end of said Mustang, and farther one was the back half!
Apparently, from what we gathered from bystanders and the cops on the scene, a drunk driver was trying to evade the cops and turned onto our side street. As our street does not go perfectly straight, and as he was coming pretty fast and didn’t have the best reaction time at the moment, he missed a slight turn, hit a concrete light post sideways, and literally split the car in half. Each of the pieces going about 100 ft in different directions. The most amazing part of it all, is both people in the car (thank goodness the back seat was empty!) literally walked away! The car was cut clean in half about 2 inches behind the front seats, you could actually see right into the front of the car. Another few inches forward and this story would be a lot more sad. It was a pretty incredible sight, and both people in the car are insanely lucky to be alive. So let this be a lesson to all of you: Don’t Drink & Drive….or at the very least, do it a whole lot better than he did!
Live Thread: Cavs @ Hornets
1 day ago
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