Before we get started, here is an Earth Day-related public service announcement courtesy of NBC the other night (The More You Know). Did you know that enough disposable coffee cups from Starbucks, McDonalds, etc are thrown away every year to circle the Earth 5 times?!? And the same substances that make the cups waterproof makes them tough to break down. If you are a coffee drinker, please consider carrying your own mug with you…many places even give discounts to those who do.
And now, the exciting conclusion. I may continue to write these entries in 2 parts. For one, I tend to be long winded, and it keeps them from getting too long. Plus, it creates intrigue and mystique.
11. Disturbed – Stricken (24): Another Guitar Hero 3 song. I had this before that game, but it got most of its play afterwards. Also used on several workout mixes.
11. Boys Like Girls – Thunder (Acoustic) (24): While I consider Boys Like Girls to be sort of a pop-punk band, this is a very heartfelt love ballad. And it’s acoustic…and everything is better acoustic. I bet you even “Mmmbop” would have been great if it was acoustic.
11. Atreyu - Becoming the Bull (24): Pure workout tune. Not overly great song, but quite listenable and pumps me up.
8. Sixx AM - Life is Beautiful (26): Another workout song, but I can enjoy this song at all times of the day. Nikki Sixx’s new band (of Motley Crue fame) has a great sound, combing the old Crue with new rock genre (a la Shinedown), and I have enjoyed all I’ve sampled from them.
8. The Killers – When You Were Young (26): Last Guitar Hero 3 song on the list, but the best of the bunch. I particularly enjoy it because of the lyric, “He doesn’t look a thing like Jesus.” Since thanks to my longish hair and beard and Mediterranean roots, I kind of do.
8. Fall Out Boy – Golden (26): FOB makes a return engagement. This I their ballad, and while I have always liked this song, it has recently become one of my favorites. While the majority of the songs on this list I rank as 4 stars on my computer, this one is one of the only 35 songs on my computer that I rank as 5 stars.
7. The Bravery – Believe (27) – This is just such of a good song by a highly underrated band. It just a fun anytime song, and due to the fact it falls into several genres in my opinion (rock, pop, a little blues), it should be easily accessible to anyone. The take home message: Download this if you don’t currently own it.
6. Buckcherry – Sorry (28) – I almost feel like I should say “Sorry” about this song being this high. I actually don’t listen to it that much anymore, but I got really into it for a few weeks. Still a good song though, and an impressive stretch for the band that also wrote “Crazy Bitch.”
2. Paramore - Crushcrushcrush (32) – I love Paramore. I love Hayley Williams. Come on…a hot little rocker chick from Tennessee…what’s not to love? Plus, just like the reason I liked The Donnas, she sings songs about things in the way guys only imagine girls think…like they are the aggressors, and we are just suppose to wait and be pounced on by these rock-n-roll temptresses. Did I reveal too much there? Let’s move on.
2. Flobots - Handlebars (32) – For those of you who know this song, it is a little strange, but I think that’s where its appeal is. How can you know love lyrics like: “Me and my friend saw a platypus”, “I can tell you about Leif Ericson”, and “I can make computers survive aquatic conditions.”
2. Anberlin - The Unwinding Cable Car (32) – I am a little sad this is the only Anberlin song on here. Anberlin is fucking awesome! If you haven’t heard of them (and most haven’t although they finally had a radio song recently), then I am sad for you, and I will make you a CD immediately. The guitar in this song is wonderfully simple and beautiful, and I should know, it is one of the few songs I know how to play on guitar.
2. All-Time Low - Dear Maria, Count Me In (32) – A pop-punk, in-your-face song. Just enjoyable to pop in anywhere, sing along to while pointing at random people saying “Dear Maria, Count Me In.” I’m not sure what I am counting myself into, but I think that’s kind of the whole point.
1. Paramore - Misery Business (36) – Crazy, right? You didn’t expect to find a popular radio song up here, did you? And certainly not another Paramore song? But like I said, I love Paramore! This whole album (Riot!) is really quite good. The beautiful thing about this song (besides the aforementioned temptress thing) is that I do use it in workout mixes, but its great in the car or at home too, and one of the few songs that I really enjoy that is mainstream enough that most people know it too. Of course, if all of you would get off your lazy asses, stop reading blogs, and download these 27 songs, then maybe that wouldn’t be the case!
Did you know there was a string quartet version of Crushcrushcrush?
Also, should I count you in to go watch No Doubt, Paramore, and maybe the Sounds (who is one of my newly favorite bands and speaking of temptresses) on June 2nd? I think we are going to buy tickets soon.
I remember someone talking about that, and I remember saying I would watch No Doubt to see Paramore (unless its old No Doubt, then its all good). I am also a big Sounds fan, as you can ask Jeff, because I turned him on to them.