Tuesday, June 30, 2009

25 Random Things...Revisted

I'll try not to make a habit of this, but I wanted to post something for you all before I left for Cleveland tomorrow, and I don't particularly have anything new to say. Therefore, I am reposting the 25 Random Things survey I took on Facebook awhile back, with some changes/additions to bring it up to date and spice it up for those who already read it. For those of you waiting for a comedy show, I am going to use the downtime on the plane home to refine some jokes and come up with some new ones. I want to work on honing them and working on the delivery after a 2nd small show that didn't go as well (but I realize that will happen if I decide to continue this and I learned two very key lessons: a) Don't do comedy after more than 3 beers and b) Pay attention to your material and not the audience's faces: yeah, I'm looking at you two :P). I'm planning the big "just-for-friends" debut in mid-July!

1. I am absolutely obsessed with Cleveland Sports, and if you’ve known me more than 2 hours, you probably know that.
2. I quote movies and television shows a lot, and if you've known me for more than 10 minutes, you probably know that.
3. I am generally upbeat and positive person; it takes a lot to get me upset, sad, or mad.
4. I am attempting to take up stand-up comedy. I am enjoying coming up with jokes and working on my delivery, but it has its ups-and-downs.
5. I purchased a guitar about 5 months ago and am trying to learn. After some initial success, I have not been practicing as much, and I am putting most of that time into my comedy now. Can't tell if I'm just multi-talented, or if I just have ADD when it comes to hobbies.
6. I had a blanket growing up that had Winnie the Pooh on it. I don’t remember when I stopped sleeping with it, but it was probably later than it should have been. My Mom got sick of having to sew it back together and threw it away at some point.
7. I can’t get enough of Rock of Love and Real World/Road Rules Challenges, and I don’t care who knows it. I pretty much hope Bret Michaels never finds love, I would miss those crazy bitches.
8. I lost track of what was going on in LOST (no pun intended) about 2 seasons ago, but I don’t care, its still the best show on television. The final season better end well, or I may cry.
9. My very first concert was Michael Jackson (may he rest in peace), it was a present for my 2nd grade birthday. My second was (MC Hammer).
10. My third (and first one where I bought the tickets) concert was Metallica in High School, needless to say my tastes shifted a little around junior high.
11. I ran hurdles for the Track team in HS, and I was the MVP of the sprinters my senior year. On the flip side, I was 0-3 on making the basketball team.
12. I played just about every sport except soccer growing up. I started playing soccer in my sophomore year of college, now it's the only sport I play regularly.
13. My teachers in first and second grade were nuns.
14. I used to be an altar boy (boy serves the priest during mass, insert obligatory Catholic priest joke here) and a lector (person who reads stuff at mass) in grade school. I went on several retreats and even led one in HS. Now I am, for lack of a better term, an atheist. 12 years of Catholic school will do that for you.
15. My celebrity obsessions are Elisha Cuthbert, Evangeline Lilly, Jessica Alba, Jessica Biel, and Hayden Panettiere…
16. Fine…and LeBron James.
17. I was up for a job at Kennesaw St. that I really wanted but did not get last year. However, if I did get it, I would most likely not have met my wonderful girlfriend. That's how life runs sometimes.
18. When I was a kid, one birthday I got a whole bunch of He-Man action figures and the Castle Greyskull set to play with them in….I almost never played with them because the castle (in the shape of a skull) freaked the crap out of me.
19. I eventually want to visit the following places: Italy, Sicily, Amsterdam, Australia, and possibly Ireland.
20. I am published in the Journal of Addictive Behaviors. Hopefully soon in a few others.
21. My highest ever bowling score is 214, back when I used to play in a league. I literally hit 199 about 4 times before I broke through and got that 214.
22. I am pretty serious about my exercise and eating routines. I like to think that I get off the train right before obsessive, but its hard to tell from the inside.
23. When I was really little, I was bit by a goat. Thus, making me jumpy around all animals for a very long time. (That’s call stimulus generalization for those of you not in Psychology !)
24. I have 461 "friends" on Facebook. When the hell did that happen???
25. If its a dorky game involving orcs, magic, and numbers, I've probably played it for a short time (e.g., Dungeons & Dragons, Magic: The Gathering, World of Warcraft). I think the quick strategy and math appeals to my ADD brain, but the sticking with it long enough to master it (and thus give up any semblance of cool I may have left) does not.