For some reason this topic has come up a lot lately, and I realized how much I don’t like using PCs now when I was home for the 4th and had to use my parents’ computers daily (one of which crashed due to a virus before I got back, shocking right?) So as a former Mac-hater turned Mac-peddler (the first one is free…OK, actually the first one is quite expensive), I wanted to weigh in on the issue. I want to start by saying that I have nothing against PCs. I realize they are cheaper, more readily available and compatible, and easier for people to use from their previous experience. However, I do want to try to educate a little about the advantages of a Mac for those who want to make outrageous (or even just rageous ones) claims about the Mac without ever having really given one a chance. I should give a shout out to Greg who is the one badgered me about Macs for years before I finally saw the light.
PC-user complaint #1: There is no right click mouse button.
Response: I know this one well, because it was one of my biggest complaints about Macs when I was against them in college (many of our library computers were Macs). This is just flat out not true, and I am pretty sure has not been for a while. I am surprised this perception still persists, but trust me, there is right click capability…I’m doing it right now…and it feels soooo gooood.

PC-user complaint #2: I am used to using a PC, and it will take me too long to get used to a Mac.
Response: A valid argument, and it took me several months to get completely used to the commands, key placements, and user interface. I didn’t even realize that I had really become Mac-dependent until it took me a second to oriented on my girlfriends PC a little while ago. Nonetheless, it is not that hard of a struggle. And just because interfaces were a certain way (the PC way) for so long, doesn’t make it right. You mean don’t have to time to get a used to an easier interface where everything is right at your fingers tips, where you can click and drag anything from folder to folder, internet to folder, internet to desktop, where everything is connected through USB ports and not a different one for the mouse, keyboard, printer, and storage drives, where…well, you get the point. Is your life really that busy that you can’t make a few wrong keystrokes now to save yourself days of time over the span of your life? Is it, really? I am sad for you…
PC-user complaint #3: They are not compatible with everything I use.
Response: I have found very few examples of this being true. I have/can run Microsoft Office, Acrobat Reader, Full Tilt Poker, Warcraft, Real Player, etc., and Quicktime is compatible with Windows Media Player files (you know, for all those “funny” videos you have stored deep in your computer). The only exception I can think of is that I couldn’t find a Mac version of SPSS for data analysis (and I’ve even been told recently that this might have changed). Anyways, even if something isn’t compatible, you can run Windows on your Mac OS operating system and boot the software onto there. I prefer to get the pure Mac experience, but to each their own.
PC-user complaint #4: They are too expensive.
Response: Not as expensive as PCs in the long run! Between 2000 and 2006, I bought 3 PC computers. Most of them were running so slow or poorly within a year, that I already wanted a new one. I have had my Mac for almost 2 years, and it is running basically as good as the day I bought it. Plus it comes with so many extras that PCs don’t to make up the cost. For example, it has a built in camera, which I’ve used more than I thought I would (not for that sickos, for posting beard pictures and eventually taping some comedy for all of you loyal readers). It has a 19” widescreen display that is great for watching DVDs, and the operating system actually runs smooth enough to make using it as a TV worthwhile.
Plus! Super-Fantastic Bonus Mac Advantages!
#1) iTunes. Even if you don’t have or want a Mac, please, please, please use iTunes. It is by far the best music organization and playing system. No, seriously, go get it now. You can come back to this.
#2) The iPod is directly compatible, which is of course the best music player on the market.
Carter Pewterschmidt: Hey, Bill, can you help me program my Zune.
Bill Gates: Sure!
Carter Pewterschmidt: Oh wait, I have an iPod like the rest of the world!
#3) My Mac asks for a password to install any program that executes, limiting the chances of viruses.
#4) I can’t say it never crashes or runs slow, but it is very rare, and easier to correct.
#5) Justin Long is way awesomer than that guy with the glasses on the commercials.

#6) I can’t say I get no spyware, but I get very, very little comparatively.
#7) Stickies! Post-it notes. On your desktop. Nuff’ said.
#8) You can sound cool and condescending to people who don’t own one! J What?!? If PC commercials can say they aren’t cool enough to own a Mac, then that gives us a right to say it too, right?
I feel like I should get a royalty for writing that or something! I would feel like a corporate shill except that I didn’t get paid a dime for that (so far), I did it out of the kindness of my heart to help you. Um, you’re welcome.